University/Training Center March 2021

March 2021

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The Rural Education and Workforce Alliance (REWA) is excited to announce the launch of our website REWA is hosting numerous higher education, workforce trainings and meetings at the University/Training Center.  Fort Hays State University (FHSU) Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Nursing are on their second semester in the large classroom.  The University of Kansas’ Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) is now open and hosting trainings for regional law enforcement officers.  

Students have face to face communication once a week or through Zoom technology at frontier classrooms that are set-up in Elkhart, Tribune, Scott City, Jetmore, and St. John.  We have also had students in Liberal and Garden City attend courses and trainings.  Additional classrooms will be added depending on enrollment. 

REWA is hosting a series of business classes for the public.  The “How to Series: Business Edition” classes focus on teaching the basic skills you need to maintain a business.  The classes are free to the public.  In January and February we hosted, How to Build a Resume and How to Interview taught by Tucky Allen, Business Services Director/Rapid Response Coordinator for Kansas WorkforceOne.  In April, we will host How to have Career Success presented by Tucky Allen.

Recently, we talked with K-State about our Southwest Kansas workforce assessment and decided to focus on manufacturing, agriculture, criminal justice, financial and data analytics and hospitality. This assessment will define what the need for workforce is in those specific areas.  We will be sending out a survey to businesses in the next few weeks and then begin doing follow-up interviews.

The Community Housing Association of Dodge City (CHAD) is  hosting a series of home maintenance classes for the public. The “How To Series: Home Maintenance Edition” classes focus on teaching the basic skills you need to maintain your home and the knowledge to know when it’s time to call a professional. The classes are free to the public, offered in the evening at the newly remodeled University/Training Center.

For more information on any programs, workforce trainings or the University/Training Center, visit our website at or contact Kyla Keller at or 620-371-3866.

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Kyla Keller